Wine Export Changes in 2023

Overview Of World Wine Exports Changes in 2023

Wine Export Structure In 2023

As previously noted in our posts, various factors led to 2023’s 6.3% decrease in global wine exports. The figute now stands at to 99.3 million hL, the lowest since 2010. In this short review, we’ll take a look at how the structure of global exports has changed by type of wine.

Bottled wine, defined as containing less than 2 litres, accounted for 53% of trade volume globally in 2023. This category has decreased by 6% in value compared to 2022. However, the average export price observed in 2023 was 4.7 EUR/L, a 3% increase over 2022.

Bag-in-Box (from 2 to 10 litres) represents only 2% of the total value of world exports – compare this to its 4% total of volume. In 2023, Bag-in-Box wines retained their value as a result of higher average export price: 1.9 EUR/L, a 4% increase on 2022.

Bulk wine (>10 liters) showed a 10% decline in export value compared to 2022. In 2023, its share amounted to 7% of total value of wine exports; its share of volume, clearly, remains significant at 33%. It is also worth noting that the average export price of bulk wine dropped 7% on 2022, despite record average prices for wine and an average increase in all varities of wine products. The average export price for bulk wine was 0.7 EUR/L.

Exports of sparkling wine increased by 1% in value, but decreased in volume by 4%. The share of sparkling wines in global wine exports by value was 25%, with the average price per litre increasing to 8.2 EUR/L.

Change In Wine Exports Of Countries In 2023 By Value

The three largest wine exporting countries – France, Spain and Italy – experienced a decline compared to 2022, though together they still occupy 63% of the world wine market by value. France showed a decrease in exports by 2.8%, accounting for some 11.9bn EUR.

In second place by value comes Italy, with an export volume of 7.7bn EUR. Italy, unlike all other major exporting countries, lost almost nothing of its export values, with only a 0.8% decrease on the previous year. By contrast, Spain’s exports fell by 3.2% to 2.9bn EUR.

Export volumes by value decreased significantly in almost all major importing countries. In Chile, exports decreased by 22.4% to 1.4bn EUR; in Australia the value fell 10% to 1.2bn EUR (-10%); the USA experienced a 19.1% reduction in value to 1.1bn EUR. In Argentina, export value in 2023 dropped to 0.6bn EUR (a 19.8% decrease on 2022); in New Zealand, value decreased by 11.1% to 1.2bn EUR; in South Africa, the value decreased by a lesser extent, some 13.5%, giving a total of 0.5bn EUR.

Against this background, Germany and Portugal looked most stable. In Germany, wine exports totalled 1.1bn EUR, increasing by 0.8% on the previous year. Portugal saw a slight decline in value by 1.2% to 0.9bn EUR.

Source: OIV Report 2024