Wine Importers & Distributors in Austria | 293 Companies

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This page provides information about the database of wine importers and distributors in Austria. The page includes statistics on the number of companies, their sizes, and the types of wine distributors represented. Utilize this detailed information to find the most suitable trading partner in the country and build strong connections in the wine industry.

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Company Statistics in Austria

Type of Companies Quantity
Total number of companies 293
labeled as Importer 184
labeled as Distributor 217
labeled as Wholesaler 108
labeled as Retailer 181
labeled as E-Commerce 63

Data Completeness

Data Completeness Quantity
A (Full) 275
B (Medium) 18
C (Basic) 0

Company Sizes in Database

Size Quantity
Large 25
Medium 75
Small 193

Types of Contacts and Links

Contact Quantity
Email 593
Social links 357
LinkedIn 359
Tel 416

About Austrian Wine Importer Database

Our updated database of wine importers and distributors in Austria includes all the crucial information for each company. This data has been compiled to help you identify new business partners in Austria. You can review financial metrics like sales and profits (when available) to choose the best importers that fit your needs. Each company profile features legal details such as the VAT number, company ID, legal name, registered address, and more.

The database also offers comprehensive contact information for each Austrian importer, covering general contacts as well as specifics for individual employees. You’ll find links to LinkedIn profiles, phone numbers, emails, names, and job titles. Additionally, general contact details for the company are provided, including links to social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, X), phone numbers, emails, and contact pages.

You can explore information on each company’s area of specialization, the number of products (wines) in their portfolio, where the wine is sourced from, and more. Companies specializing in organic and natural wines are specifically highlighted. For further details, please refer to the Specification of this importer contact database.

About Austria

Austria is a European country located in Central Europe, bordered by Germany and the Czech Republic to the north and Italy and Slovenia to the south. Known for its stunning Alpine landscapes, Austria offers a combination of majestic mountains, rolling hills, and beautiful lakes. Capital: Vienna. Official Language: German. Continent: Europe. Austria has a deep-rooted history and rich cultural heritage, with a strong influence from the Habsburg dynasty. The country’s exquisite architecture, world-class music traditions, and historic monuments draw visitors from around the globe. Currency: Euro (EUR).

Popular Drinks in Austria: Beer, Wine, Schnapps, Cocktails, Coffee.

Popular Imported Wines in Austria: Wines from France (Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhône Valley, Champagne), Italian Wines, Spanish Wines, Wines from Germany and Hungary, as well as wines from New World regions, including the United States, Australia, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, and New Zealand.

Foreign wines in the cash & carry wholesale distribution sector had a market share of 9.5% by volume and 16.0% by value in 2022. Italy became the most popular imported wine in the on-trade channel segment in 2022. At the same time, the preferences of Austrian people here are quite clear; Italian wine accounted for 84.9% of all foreign white wines and 79.2% of all foreign red wines. Italy is followed by France, Germany, and Spain on the list. French wine accounted for 4.2% in volume and 14.1% in value. While Spanish wine accounted for just 0.9% by volume and 1% by value.

More information about Austrian wine market in our blog.

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